Incorporating Authentic Research in Science and Mathematics Courses
The purpose of the CUREs Project in STEM-US is to increase the use of CUREs in STEM courses by:
- Offer context and resources for developing CUREs
- Foster faculty and institutional growth
- Facilitate concrete plan for development and implementation
- Discuss barriers and catalysts to implementation
- Provide a meaningful entry for HBCU faculty and staff to engage in undergraduate educational research
professional development workshops
HBCU faculty (in teams of two from the same institution) are invited to participate in a one and one-half-days intensive in-person workshop at Morehouse College as part of the STEM-US Annual Conference. Christopher Beck (Emory University) and Lawrence Blumer (Morehouse), will assist faculty in developing CUREs of their own design that the faculty will implement at their institutions. CUREs are high impact pedagogical practices that have been documented to improve student outcomes and retention. As part of the implementation of a CURE at their own institution, faculty participants will conduct education research on a question of their choice conceived within the PVEST theoretical framework. Sinead Younge (Morehouse), Cheryl Talley (Virginia State University), Gail Hollowell (NC Central University) and Michelle Chatman (University of the District of Columbia) will provide guidance on survey methods and follow-up support to assist faculty to successfully implement their CURE and conduct their education research study. Follow-up support will aid workshop participants in publishing their implemented CURE and the findings of their education research. The next workshop will be held in Spring-Summer 2023.
Next workshop in January
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